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I’ll give you a hint – this wine was a Bordeaux blend plus a little Limnio.
Give up?
It's from Greece.

Cotes de Meliton is on the Khalkhidhikhi peninsula in northeastern Greece. (Yea, I can’t believe you didn’t get that either.)
Yep, at CityZen last night in Washington DC, I had a 12-year-old Greek wine to go with my venison. Ok little wine. $80 was price of admission for the novelty (way overpriced list overall, but it's located in a hotel).
‘Twas an elegant, rather than brawny, Bordeaux blend. Didn't draw much out of the additional Limnio.
In other words, the wine was meh.
Sorry to be a pill, but in the interest of knowledge I feel compelled to say that it's more commonly spelled Khalkidhiki as opposed to Khalkhidhikhi.
ReplyDeleteLet's just pray that it never comes up on any exam where we have to spell it. In fact that's a blanket statement for all Greek wines. Can you imagine an essay question like this: "Modern Greek wines, are they old world wines or new world wines? Discuss"
You're killing me! How do you even know that??
ReplyDeleteI agree. That would be a terrifying essay question. Downright mean if you ask me. I can maybe name two other Greek varietals off the top of my head, but no way could I spell them.
Screw the 'Pass with Distinction'. I'm just aiming for the "Pass".